Renewable Energy Vision and Manufacturing Excellence in India

Renewable Energy Vision and Manufacturing Excellence in IndiaIndia is rapidly transitioning towards renewable energy sources driven by environmental, economic, technological, and policy factors. This shift is vital for sustainable development and positioning India as a global leader in renewable energy.Renewable Energy Capacity and Targets India ranks 4th globally in renewable energy installed capacity (190 GW, including large hydro), 4th in wind power (42 GW), and 5th in solar power (67 GW). With the aim of reducing carbon emissions, India has set an ambitious target of 500 GW of non-fossil fuel-based energy by 2030, positioning it as one of the fastest-growing …

Smart Energy Expo

Smart Energy Expo 2023Als Mitorganisator beteiligte sich EAC aktiv an einer Reihe von Konferenzen zu intelligenten Energien, darunter das chinesisch-japanische und andere Länder umfassende Forum zur Zusammenarbeit bei der Entwicklung der Wasserstoffindustrie und von Fahrzeugen mit neuer Energie. Während dieser Veranstaltung hielten unser geschätzter Partner, Herr Daniel Berger, und die leitende Beraterin, Frau Addie Wei, aufschlussreiche Reden über ihre jeweiligen Fachgebiete.Der Vortrag von Herrn Berger konzentrierte sich auf den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand und die zukünftigen Trends der globalen Wasserstoffindustrie. Er betonte die technologischen Fortschritte und Marktentwicklungen in verschiedenen Ländern. Herr Berger hob die Einbeziehung der Wasserstoffenergie in die wichtigen nationalen Energieentwicklungspläne …

Smart Energy Expo 2023

Smart Energy Expo 2023As a co-organizer, EAC actively participated in the series of smart energy conferences, including the Sino-Japanese and other countries Hydrogen Energy Industry and New Energy Vehicle Collaborative Development Forum. During this event, our esteemed partner, Mr. Daniel Berger, and Managing Consultant, Ms. Addie Wei, delivered insightful speeches on their respective areas of expertise.Mr. Berger’s presentation centered on the current developmental status and future trends of the global hydrogen energy industry. He emphasized frontier technological advancements and market developments across various countries. Mr. Berger highlighted the incorporation of hydrogen energy into the vital national energy development strategic plans …

Globale Herausforderungen bei der Herstellung von Windturbinen und der Lieferkette

Globale Herausforderungen bei der Herstellung von Windturbinen und der LieferketteWie kann man die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit steigern und Risiken ausgleichen? Die Windenergie ist eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Energiequellen der Welt, angetrieben durch unterstützende Gesetze in den USA, der Europäischen Union, Indien und China, doch die freien Kapazitäten sind begrenzt und werden wahrscheinlich bis 2026 verschwinden.Die Windenergie ist eine der besten Quellen, um die Schmerzen und Herausforderungen des Klimawandels zu lindern. Angesichts des steigenden weltweiten Strombedarfs, der Prognosen zufolge bis 2030 um 25 % auf ~30k TWh1) steigen wird, sind die Entwicklung und Nutzung von Windenergie und anderen erneuerbaren Energiequellen unverzichtbar und …

Global Wind Turbine Manufacturing & Supply Chain Challenges

Global Wind Turbine Manufacturing & Supply Chain ChallengesHow to boost competitiveness and balance risks? Wind energy it one of the fastest-growing energy sources in the world driven by supportive legislations in the US, the European Union, India and China yet spare capacity is limited and will likely disappear by 2026.Wind energy is one of the best source to alleviate the pain and challenges of climate change. With the increasing demand of global electricity, which is forecasted to grow by 25% and reach ~30k TWh1) by 2030, development and utilization of wind plus other renewable energy sources are indispensable and have …

Electrifying India: Accelerating the Passenger Electric Vehicle Revolution

Electrifying India: Accelerating the Passenger Electric Vehicle RevolutionBy 2030, India will emerge as the 2nd largest manufacturer of passenger electric vehicles in APAC region following China with a surge of +74% in the vehicle production volume.India is currently amongst the prominent hubs for automotive manufacturing across globe, however, the Indian EV industry is still in its early stages of development and is expected to exhibit significant growth over the next decade. By 2030, India will emerge as the 2nd largest manufacturer of passenger electric vehicles in APAC region following China with a surge of +74% in the vehicle production volume. …

Die Chancen auf dem EV-Lithium-Batteriemarkt nutzen

Die Chancen auf dem EV-Lithium-Batteriemarkt nutzenDie Elektrifizierung des Verkehrswesens hat auch zu einem harten Wettbewerb innerhalb des Lithiumbatterie-Sektors geführt, was von den Akteuren der Branche verlangt, proaktiv zu handeln und sich strategisch zu positionieren, um einen bedeutenden Anteil an diesem aufstrebenden Markt zu erobern.Die Umstellung auf die Elektromobilität nimmt schnell Fahrt auf, und der Umbruch in der traditionellen Automobilindustrie vollzieht sich stärker und früher als bisher erwartet. Um auf diesen Trend vorbereitet zu sein, bedarf es einer strategischen Planung und Maßnahmen, die darauf abzielen, aus dem wachsenden Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge Kapital zu schlagen. Erhalten Sie Einblicke aus der EAC-Untersuchung, wie …

Seizing the EV Lithium Battery Market

Seizing the Opportunities on the EV Lithium Battery MarketElectrification of transportation has also witnessed fierce competition within the lithium battery sector, requiring industry players to act proactively and position themselves strategically to capture a significant share of this burgeoning market.The shift to e-mobility is picking up speed quickly, and disruption to traditional automotive industry is taking place stronger and sooner than previously expected. To be prepared of the trend it involves strategic planning and actions aimed at capitalizing on the growing electric vehicle market. Get insights from EAC’s investigation on how to position your business to thrive in the global …

China’s New 24 Points Policy

China’s Vow to Attract Foreign InvestmentChina’s New 24 Points Policy: Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attractiveness for Foreign Investment.Chinese government has re-emphasized its propositions to further optimize the foreign investment environment and increase the attractiveness for foreign investment: Establish a more favorable investment climate for foreign investors Re-bolster foreign enterprises’ confidence in investing in China. In our teaser we explain what the 24 individual directives mean and what opportunities they present for you. You would like to discuss the 24 Point Policy? Then contact our expert & partner, John Deng.Download …

EAC as Speaker at the „International Technology Import and Export Fair (CSITF)“ in Shanghai

EAC as Speaker at the „International Technology Import and Export Fair (CSITF)“ in ShanghaiOur expert and Managing Consultant, Addie Wei, was invited to speak at the „International Technology Import and Export Fair (CSITF)“ in Shanghai. As part of the „China’s Best Practices for Response to WTO/TBT Measures Summit“, Mrs. Wei held a keynote on „Introduction of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Strategic Implications for Chinese Exporters.“CSITF is a national and international professional trade event specializing in technical trade, supported by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Intellectual Property Organization …

EAC as Speaker at the „Chinese Used-Car Export Summit 2023“

EAC as Speaker at the „Chinese Used-Car Export Summit 2023“In June our expert, Addie Wei, Managing Consultant at EAC, was invited to give a keynote speech at the „Chinese Used-Car Export Summit 2023“. The event was organized by China Automobile Dealers Association (CADA).In her presentation, Addie Wei talked about the internationalization strategies of Chinese OEMs and their impact on Chinese used-car exporters. She also focused her attention on the competition and problems of the global used-car export business. Through her many years of experience, Addie Wei was able to provide a lot of suggestions for used-car exporters from the perspective …


COMPRESSED BIOGAS (CBG) INDIA POTENTIALGrowing at a CAGR of 6%-7%, India is expected to become world’s 3rd largest economy by 2030 and is home to the world’s largest population. This fast-paced economic growth supported by rapid infrastructural development and urbanisation, will increase India’s energy demand significantly. Currently, India is world’s third largest energy consumer with nearly 50% generating from coal. India on its part is actively looking to reduce its coal dependencies as it aims to achieve Net Zero by 2070. Furthermore, India aims to generate 50% of its total electricity from green sources by 2030. Its future energy strategy …