Komplexität meistern: EACs Global Sourcing ChronikenIn den letzten Jahren hat EAC mehrere Unternehmen bei globalen und regionalen strategischen Beschaffungsprojekten in verschiedenen Branchen unterstützt, darunter Industrie, Mobilität, Bauwesen, Energie und Umwelt, Chemie und Konsumgüter. Bei der Durchführung dieser Sourcing-Projekte sind wir auf einzigartige Herausforderungen und unerwartete Chancen gestoßen. In diesem Artikel möchten wir ausgewählte Beobachtungen und Erkenntnisse unserer EAC-Beschaffungsexperten zusammenfassen.Wachsende Bedeutung nachhaltiger Beschaffungspraktiken In der heutigen umweltbewussten Welt ist Nachhaltigkeit nicht mehr nur ein zweitrangiges Anliegen, sondern integraler Bestandteil einer erfolgreichen Geschäftsstrategie. Dies konnten wir feststellen, als wir ein führendes europäisches Unternehmen bei der Suche nach potenziellen Lieferanten für vier verschiedene …
Navigating Complexities: EAC’s Global Sourcing Chronicles
Navigating Complexities: EAC’s Global Sourcing ChroniclesIn recent years, EAC has supported multiple companies in global and regional strategic souring projects across various industries, including industrials, mobility, building & construction, energy and environment, chemicals, and consumer goods. While executing these sourcing projects, we have encountered unique challenges and unexpected opportunities. With this article we would like to summarize select observations and learnings of our EAC sourcing experts.Rising Importance of Sustainable Sourcing Practices In today’s environmentally conscious world, sustainability is no longer a secondary concern; it is an integral part of a successful business strategy. We observed this while assisting a leading …
Charting China’s Course: A Journey Towards Openness
Charting China’s Course: A Journey Towards OpennessIn 2023, China witnessed a commendable growth in its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), achieving a 5.2% expansion for the year. This growth not only aligned with the government’s annual target but also showcased a robust performance, especially in the fourth quarter, where the year-on-year GDP surged to 5.3%, surpassing the 4.9% recorded in the third quarter. Despite these positive indicators, the Chinese government is gearing up to provide additional support to its economy and trade in 2024. In this EAC Executive Briefing, we will delve into the significant developments that unfolded in the latter …
China’s Two Sessions: GDP Growth and Implications
China’s Two Sessions: GDP Growth and ImplicationsKey Implications of GDP Growth Target in 2022 Despite China’s strong rebound in 2021 at 8.1% from 2020 at 2.35%, the target GDP growth for 2022 is set at a cautiously ambitious 5.5% as announced in China’s annual “Two Sessions” legislative meetings. In translation, this growth will encompass more than 11 million new urban jobs, a CPI increase of 3%, more than 650 million metric tons of grain output, 2.8% budget deficit-to-GDP ratio, and RMB 3.65 trillion domestic investment target. These plans are critical to China’s economic and social developments in 2022, as the …
Distribution in China: Obstacles and Success Factors
Distribution in China: Obstacles and Success FactorsIn the dynamic Chinese market, distributors are often ‘gatekeepers’ to drive growth. EAC experience shows that many foreign companies are faced with complex distribution challenges in China, ranging from reliance on legacy distributors, lack of transparency to e-commerce exposure. Choosing the right distribution approach and managing distribution partners most efficiently is crucial to succeed in China.Distributors are often ‘Gatekeepers’ for Growth in China Foreign companies face a range of challenges when managing their distribution setup in the vast Chinese market: Reliance on Legacy Distributors Unstructured selection of only one general distributor Lack of critical …
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