Global Wind Turbine Manufacturing & Supply Chain Challenges

Global Wind Turbine Manufacturing & Supply Chain ChallengesHow to boost competitiveness and balance risks? Wind energy it one of the fastest-growing energy sources in the world driven by supportive legislations in the US, the European Union, India and China yet spare capacity is limited and will likely disappear by 2026.Wind energy is one of the best source to alleviate the pain and challenges of climate change. With the increasing demand of global electricity, which is forecasted to grow by 25% and reach ~30k TWh1) by 2030, development and utilization of wind plus other renewable energy sources are indispensable and have …

Die Chancen auf dem EV-Lithium-Batteriemarkt nutzen

Die Chancen auf dem EV-Lithium-Batteriemarkt nutzenDie Elektrifizierung des Verkehrswesens hat auch zu einem harten Wettbewerb innerhalb des Lithiumbatterie-Sektors geführt, was von den Akteuren der Branche verlangt, proaktiv zu handeln und sich strategisch zu positionieren, um einen bedeutenden Anteil an diesem aufstrebenden Markt zu erobern.Die Umstellung auf die Elektromobilität nimmt schnell Fahrt auf, und der Umbruch in der traditionellen Automobilindustrie vollzieht sich stärker und früher als bisher erwartet. Um auf diesen Trend vorbereitet zu sein, bedarf es einer strategischen Planung und Maßnahmen, die darauf abzielen, aus dem wachsenden Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge Kapital zu schlagen. Erhalten Sie Einblicke aus der EAC-Untersuchung, wie …

Seizing the EV Lithium Battery Market

Seizing the Opportunities on the EV Lithium Battery MarketElectrification of transportation has also witnessed fierce competition within the lithium battery sector, requiring industry players to act proactively and position themselves strategically to capture a significant share of this burgeoning market.The shift to e-mobility is picking up speed quickly, and disruption to traditional automotive industry is taking place stronger and sooner than previously expected. To be prepared of the trend it involves strategic planning and actions aimed at capitalizing on the growing electric vehicle market. Get insights from EAC’s investigation on how to position your business to thrive in the global …

China’s New 24 Points Policy

China’s Vow to Attract Foreign InvestmentChina’s New 24 Points Policy: Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attractiveness for Foreign Investment.Chinese government has re-emphasized its propositions to further optimize the foreign investment environment and increase the attractiveness for foreign investment: Establish a more favorable investment climate for foreign investors Re-bolster foreign enterprises’ confidence in investing in China. In our teaser we explain what the 24 individual directives mean and what opportunities they present for you. You would like to discuss the 24 Point Policy? Then contact our expert & partner, John Deng.Download …

EAC-Partner Uwe Haizmann im Podcast „The Future of Supply Chain“

EAC-Partner Uwe Haizmann im Podcast „The Future of Supply Chain“In dieser Podcast-Episode spricht unser Partner Uwe Haizmann mit der Moderatorin Sin To über die Herausforderungen der Lieferkette und mögliche Lösungen im Hinblick auf die bevorstehende „Golden Week“ in China.Außerdem werfen sie einen genaueren Blick auf China und seine Strategie zum Aufbau einer widerstandsfähigeren Lieferkette sowie auf die Nachhaltigkeit. Uwe Haizmann geht davon aus, dass die Zukunft der Lieferkette regionaler aussehen wird. Er ist der Meinung, dass wir in einen Bereich der De-Globalisierung eingetreten sind, der auf Dauer Bestand haben wird. Es wird daher mehrere Cluster rund um den Globus geben, …

EAC Partner Uwe Haizmann on the Podcast „The Future of Supply Chain“

EAC Partner Uwe Haizmann on the Podcast „The Future of Supply Chain“ In this podcast episode our partner, Uwe Haizmann, talks about supply chain challenges and possible solutions regarding the upcoming China’s Golden Week with the host Sin To.They also take a closer look on China and its strategy to build a more resilient supply chain as well as sustainability. Uwe Haizmann assumes that the future of supply chain will look more regional. He thinks, that we entered an area of de-globalization which is here to stay and that there will be more clusters around the globe. So there are …

„De-Risking China“ vom Chinaforum Bayern e.V.

De-Risking China – Risiken im Chinageschäft erkennen und reduzierenIm Juli veröffentlichte die deutsche Bundesregierung erstmals eine umfassende China-Strategie. Darin betont diese zwar, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit China wichtig sei und bleibe. Gleichzeitig fordert sie jedoch die deutsche Wirtschaft dazu auf, ihre Abhängigkeiten von der Volksrepublik zu reduzieren und das volkswirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Interesse in den Mittelpunkt ihres Handelns zu stellen. Was bedeutet das für deutsche Unternehmen?Am 14. September fand die vom Chinaforum Bayern e.V. organisierte Veranstaltung „De-Risking China – Risiken im Chinageschäft erkennen und reduzieren“ statt. Uwe Haizmann, Partner von EAC – International Consulting, beleuchtete in den schönen Räumen des …

„De-Risking China“ by the Chinaforum Bayern e.V.

De-Risking China – Identifying and Reducing Risks in Business with ChinaIn July, the German government published its first comprehensive China strategy. In this paper, the government emphasizes that cooperation with China is and will remain important. At the same time, however, it calls on the German economy to reduce its dependence on the People’s Republic and to place the national economic and social interest at the center of its actions. What does this mean for German companies?On 14 September, the event „De-Risking China – Identifying and Reducing Risks in Business with China“ organised by Chinaforum Bayern e.V. took place.   Uwe Haizmann, …

EAC as Speaker at the „International Technology Import and Export Fair (CSITF)“ in Shanghai

EAC as Speaker at the „International Technology Import and Export Fair (CSITF)“ in ShanghaiOur expert and Managing Consultant, Addie Wei, was invited to speak at the „International Technology Import and Export Fair (CSITF)“ in Shanghai. As part of the „China’s Best Practices for Response to WTO/TBT Measures Summit“, Mrs. Wei held a keynote on „Introduction of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Strategic Implications for Chinese Exporters.“CSITF is a national and international professional trade event specializing in technical trade, supported by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Intellectual Property Organization …

EAC as Speaker at the „Chinese Used-Car Export Summit 2023“

EAC as Speaker at the „Chinese Used-Car Export Summit 2023“In June our expert, Addie Wei, Managing Consultant at EAC, was invited to give a keynote speech at the „Chinese Used-Car Export Summit 2023“. The event was organized by China Automobile Dealers Association (CADA).In her presentation, Addie Wei talked about the internationalization strategies of Chinese OEMs and their impact on Chinese used-car exporters. She also focused her attention on the competition and problems of the global used-car export business. Through her many years of experience, Addie Wei was able to provide a lot of suggestions for used-car exporters from the perspective …

Quo vadis: Deutsche Industrie der Werkzeugmaschinen in China

Quo vadis: Deutsche Industrie der Werkzeugmaschinen in ChinaUnser Experte und Partner, Daniel Berger, war auf dem VDW China Machine Tool Management Meeting und durfte dort einen Vortrag über die Entwicklung der deutschen Werkzeugmaschinenindustrie in China halten.Angetrieben von anhaltenden industriellen Investitionen war 2022 ein solides Jahr für die deutsche Werkzeugmaschinenindustrie in China. Auch wenn die aktuellen Aussichten ernüchternd sind, ist die Hoffnung auf eine Belebung der Nachfrage in den kommenden Monaten groß und das Engagement der Unternehmen in China bleibt unbestritten. Daniel Berge stellte in seinem Vortrag die jüngsten Entwicklungen und Aussichten der chinesischen Wirtschaft und den Entwicklungsplan der Regierung für …

Quo vadis: German Machine Tools in China

Quo vadis: German Machine Tools in ChinaOur expert and partner, Daniel Berger, was at the VDW China Machine Tool Management Meeting and was allowed to give a presentation about the development of the German machine tool industry in China.Driven by continued industrial investment, 2022 was a solid year for the German machine tool industry in China. Although the current outlook is challenging, hopes are high that demand will pick up in the coming months and the commitment of companies in China remains undoubted. In his presentation, Daniel Berge introduced the latest developments and prospects of the Chinese economy and the …