India Localization – Unleashing the Potential

India Localization – Unleashing the PotentialIndia’s growth story in the manufacturing sector has been driven by its billion-plus demographic and their rising spending acumen. Manufacturing sector in India today contributes 17% to the GDP and not only caters to domestic consumption but the meteoric growth in exports as well. This rise has turned global eyes towards India as a ‘China Plus One’ destination. Government Schemes and a well-developed manufacturing ecosystem have augmented the impact in attracting global firms to invest in India.India’s manufacturing ecosystem has developed over the last 10 years primarily due to the rise in demand clusters across …

Navigating the ‚New China Playbook‘: Insights from CMS-EAC Seminar

Navigating the ‚New China Playbook‘: Insights from CMS-EAC SeminarAmidst the ever-changing landscape of global business, the CMS-EAC Seminar convened industry leaders and experts at the German Centre to explore the intricacies of the ‚New China Playbook‘. Against a backdrop of geopolitical tensions and evolving economic realities, the seminar provided a platform for robust discussions and insights into the challenges and opportunities facing foreign enterprises in China.The seminar commenced with a warm welcome speech, extending gratitude to esteemed panelists and attendees for their participation. Dr. Gang Yang, President of Trumpf China, and Mr. Ingarsia, CFO of Schaeffler Greater China, were among …


QUALITY CONTROL ORDERS (QCOs) IN INDIA – ARE YOU GOING TO BE IMPACTED?India being a leading importer of various products for years has been putting in several efforts to control the quality of products imported in India. The requirement of quality control has originated owing to inadequacy of products meeting the qualification requirements and their failures of meeting safety, reliability, and standard quality norms. Quality Control Orders (QCOs) have been introduced by Indian government for critical products impacting consumer safety and is expected to be expanded to other products soon. These QCOs have an impact on imported products as there …

Quo Vadis? Snapshot of the pharmaceutical industry in Germany

Quo Vadis? Snapshot of the Pharmaceutical Industry in GermanyHigh electricity and gas costs have impeded growth in the German pharmaceutical industry. But now, for the first time in over two years, the gas price went to its level of 2021 as it went below 30 Euros per megawatt hour in March 2024. High electricity and gas prices have been hindering growth in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as they depend highly on energy for their operations.The adoption of a comprehensive pharmaceutical strategy by the federal government in December 2023 has instilled newfound optimism among industry players, signaling a renewed commitment …

EAC – International Consulting Expands Global Presence with New Office Launch in New York

EAC – International Consulting Expands Global Presence with New Office Launch in New YorkThe opening of EAC International Consulting’s New York City office, following its presence in Munich, Shanghai, Mumbai, and Kuala Lumpur, underscores the firm’s dedication to providing specialized, in-depth consulting services tailored to the dynamic needs of businesses navigating the complexities of the U.S. and North American markets. This expansion not only amplifies EAC’s capabilities in delivering strategic insights on USMCA-related incentives and clean energy initiatives but also reinforces its role in guiding companies through the intricacies of establishing and enhancing robust, globally integrated business operations.In an insightful …

EAC – International Consulting erweitert seine globale Präsenz mit der Eröffnung eines neuen Büros in New York

EAC – International Consulting erweitert seine globale Präsenz mit der Eröffnung eines neuen Büros in New YorkDie Eröffnung des New Yorker Büros von EAC International Consulting nach München, Shanghai, Mumbai und Kuala Lumpur unterstreicht das Engagement des Unternehmens, spezialisierte und fundierte Beratungsleistungen anzubieten, die auf die dynamischen Bedürfnisse von Unternehmen zugeschnitten sind, die sich in den komplexen Märkten der USA und Nordamerikas bewegen. Diese Expansion erweitert nicht nur die Fähigkeiten von EAC, strategische Einblicke in USMCA-bezogene Anreize und Initiativen für saubere Energie zu liefern, sondern stärkt auch die Rolle von EAC, Unternehmen durch die Feinheiten des Aufbaus und der Verbesserung …

The Resurrection of Southern Europe

The Resurrection of Southern EuropeIn recent years, Southern Europe has emerged as a beacon of economic resurgence, with countries like Portugal, Greece, and Spain leading the charge. This revitalization stands in contrast to the economic landscape of Northern Europe, with robust growth rates exceeding 5% in 2022, a testament to the region’s resilience and potential. While challenges remain, particularly concerning the sustainability of the growth as well as structural impediments, the trajectory of Southern Europe’s economy offers a promising narrative of growth and transformation.One of the key drivers behind Southern Europe’s economic revival is the composition of its economy, which …

Navigating the Skies: An Overview of the Thriving China Aviation Industry

Navigating the Skies: An Overview of the Thriving China Aviation Industry In recent decades, the China aviation industry has soared to new heights, transforming itself into a global powerhouse. Marked by remarkable growth, strategic investments, and technological advancements, China’s aviation sector has become a key player in the global aerospace arena. This overview will delve into the important specifications of the China aviation industry, exploring key factors that have fuelled its rise and examining the industry’s impact on both domestic and international fronts.Aviation Industry Clusters in China: A Symphony of Innovation The aviation industry in China has witnessed significant growth …

Komplexität meistern: EACs Global Sourcing Chroniken

Komplexität meistern: EACs Global Sourcing ChronikenIn den letzten Jahren hat EAC mehrere Unternehmen bei globalen und regionalen strategischen Beschaffungsprojekten in verschiedenen Branchen unterstützt, darunter Industrie, Mobilität, Bauwesen, Energie und Umwelt, Chemie und Konsumgüter. Bei der Durchführung dieser Sourcing-Projekte sind wir auf einzigartige Herausforderungen und unerwartete Chancen gestoßen. In diesem Artikel möchten wir ausgewählte Beobachtungen und Erkenntnisse unserer EAC-Beschaffungsexperten zusammenfassen.Wachsende Bedeutung nachhaltiger Beschaffungspraktiken In der heutigen umweltbewussten Welt ist Nachhaltigkeit nicht mehr nur ein zweitrangiges Anliegen, sondern integraler Bestandteil einer erfolgreichen Geschäftsstrategie. Dies konnten wir feststellen, als wir ein führendes europäisches Unternehmen bei der Suche nach potenziellen Lieferanten für vier verschiedene …

Navigating Complexities: EAC’s Global Sourcing Chronicles

Navigating Complexities: EAC’s Global Sourcing ChroniclesIn recent years, EAC has supported multiple companies in global and regional strategic souring projects across various industries, including industrials, mobility, building & construction, energy and environment, chemicals, and consumer goods. While executing these sourcing projects, we have encountered unique challenges and unexpected opportunities. With this article we would like to summarize select observations and learnings of our EAC sourcing experts.Rising Importance of Sustainable Sourcing Practices In today’s environmentally conscious world, sustainability is no longer a secondary concern; it is an integral part of a successful business strategy. We observed this while assisting a leading …

Shared Service Center – Rising cost pressure and drive for automation

Shared Service Center – Rising cost pressure and drive for automationShared Service Center established themselves as a valuable growth opportunity for multinational companies by reducing personnel expenses as well as embracing standardization and harmonization within complex global company structures. However, the Covid-19-pandemic, rising costs due to high inflation rates and more advanced automation solutions shuffled the playing field and its environmental conditions. For instance, home office demands have become common practice for Shared Service Center (SSC) in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries.Poland stands out as the largest player for SSC in CEE commanding a 69% market share, with high …

The Future: India’s Construction Equipment Industry thrives on Sustainability and Innovation Trends

Building the Future: India’s Construction Equipment Industry thrives on Sustainability and Innovation TrendsThe construction equipment industry in India is about to undergo a significant transformation. An expanding economy, rising urbanization, and large-scale infrastructure projects have all contributed to an increase in the need for construction equipment. The industry recorded the sales of 107 thsd units in FY’23 and is expected to grow at 7% CAGR during FY23-30. It is world’s 3rd largest market and is currently valued at 6.1 bln EUR with earthmoving equipment segment being the majority contributor at 72% share.Key Growth Drivers: Infrastructure Development Projects: Large-scale government initiatives …