EAC Partner Daniel Berger on the Climate 21 Podcast

EAC Partner Daniel Berger on the Climate 21 PodcastThe climate news about China seems to be consistently contradictory. On the one hand, we hear how China is responsible for high levels of emissions, while on the other we hear how China is leaping ahead in its deployments of renewables. Where does the truth lie? In order to discuss the topics, Daniel Berger, Partner at EAC International Consulting based in Shanghai, was invited on the Climate 21 Podcast by SAP’s Tom Raftery. Listen to the episode directly either by using the integrated player below or by visiting the Podcast’s website. You can …

EAC Shanghai returns to the office after the epidemic situation stabilizes

EAC Shanghai kehrt nach Stabilisierung der Seuchensituation ins Büro zurückNach zwei Monaten Heimarbeit aufgrund der COVID-19-Situation in Schanghai sind unsere Berater vor Ort seit dieser Woche wieder alle im Büro. Nach Probeläufen kleinerer Gruppen in den letzten zwei Wochen wird die Situation nun als stabil eingestuft, so dass das gesamte Team auf einmal zurückkehren kann.Am Morgen wurden alle Mitarbeiter mit einem Willkommenspaket begrüßt, das Desinfektionsmittel und andere Präventionsmaterialien sowie kleine Muffins enthielt. Während des Lockdowns hatte EAC seine Mitarbeiter bereits zweimal mit lebenswichtigen Lebensmittelpaeten versorgt.LatestFebruar 10, 2025Seizing India’s Industrial Automation Boom: A Strategic Opportunity for Global PlayersJanuar 30, 2025Southeast Asia: …

China Toy Market: Targeting „Kidults“

China Toy Market – Targeting „Kidults“A New Concept for Toys When talking about toys in the Chinese market, they no longer are exclusive targeted at infants or children, and go beyond the traditional categories such as puzzles, plush and dolls. A new concept of toy is on the rise, called trendy toy (or artistic toy). Trendy toys have become increasingly popular, especially among young Chinese consumers aged 15 to 25, the so-called generation Z or “Kidults”. According to research by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the trendy toy industry in China had reached a sales volume of 30 billion …

Transformation – how to improve the change management success rate

Transformation – how to drive and improve the change management success rateTransformation used to take years to achieve and maintain. Given the urgency of today’s competitive landscape and available resources, this timeline has diminished substantially to months. If you are not doing it, your competitors will.The term “Business Transformation” is not unfamiliar to most, but its immediate interpretation has been varying significantly in recent times, especially considering innovative supply chains, emerging market opportunities and evolving consumption trends, all stemming from environmental forces including geo-political tensions and global pandemic outbreaks. To combat these economic shifts, companies must develop the right mindset …

China’s „Double Reduction“ in Education: Impacts and Opportunities

China’s „Double Reduction“ in Education: Impacts and OpportunitiesWhat does China’s Double Reduction mean? The General Office of CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council jointly released the “Opinions on Further Reducing the Burden of Homework and Off-Campus Training for Compulsory Education Students” on July 24, 2021, taking immediate effect. This “Double Reduction” policy is intended to improve the overall quality of school education, reduce excessive study burdens and protect the health of students, relieve the burdens and anxiety of parents, reduce social inequity, further regulate and standardize off-campus training (including both on-line and off-line training), and strictly …