Karnataka’s Investment Summit: A Strategic Economic Dialogue in Munich

Karnataka’s Investment Summit: A Strategic Economic Dialogue in MunichOn Thursday, 5th December 2024, Munich transformed into a crucible of international economic collaboration as the Government of Karnataka, alongside the Consulate General of India and EAC International Consulting, orchestrated an unprecedented „Investment Summit Business Roundtable“ that promised to redefine bilateral economic engagement between India and Germany.The event was distinguished by two pivotal presentations that wove a comprehensive narrative of investment potential, delivered by Mrs. Daniela Bartscher-Herold, Partner and Mr. Rituraj Shailendra, Principal at EAC International Consulting. Mrs. Bartscher-Herold’s „India Macroeconomic Update“ provided a panoramic view of India’s investment landscape. Her presentation …

China FDI Boom in 2021

FDI into China reaches new highs in 2021: What does it mean?How is China performing in FDI inflows? Global Foreign Direct Investment fell sharply by 32% to 1031 billion USD in 2020, according to the OECD. However, China’s FDI inflows bucked the trend and rose to 212 billion USD by increasing 14%, surpassing the US to become the world’s largest recipient of foreign capital. According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce in China, the actual use of foreign capital in the country hit a record of 173.5 billion USD in 2021 – increasing by 20% YoY. We are …