Precision Farming in India: A Technological Revolution in AgriculturePrecision farming, an innovative agricultural approach leveraging cutting-edge technologies like IoT sensors, satellite imaging, and advanced analytics, is rapidly gaining momentum in India. This sophisticated method aims to optimize crop yields, minimize resource wastage, and promote sustainable agricultural practices by enabling farmers to make data-informed decisions at unprecedented levels of granularity.Precision farming in India is currently in its nascent stages, with adoption primarily concentrated among larger agricultural enterprises and progressive farmers. Recent studies indicate that approximately 5-7% of large landholdings have started implementing precision farming techniques, representing a promising growth trajectory. The …
E-Mobility in ASEAN: A Drive Towards Sustainability
E-Mobility in ASEAN: A Drive Towards SustainabilityThe Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is undergoing a significant shift towards electric mobility, propelled by growing environmental concerns, technological advancements, and supportive government policies. This burgeoning trend presents a promising opportunity to reshape the region’s transportation landscape and accelerate its transition to a sustainable future.Key ASEAN nations, including Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, are at the forefront of this transformation. Thailand, with its established automotive industry, is well-positioned to leverage its manufacturing capabilities to produce EVs. Indonesia, rich in natural resources, is focusing on developing a domestic EV ecosystem, encompassing battery production and …
Global Business Services in Malaysia: A Strategic Advantage
Global Business Services in Malaysia: A Strategic AdvantageAs businesses navigate the complexities of global expansion, many are turning to Global Business Services (GBS) to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. Malaysia, with its favourable business environment, skilled workforce, and strategic location, has emerged as a prime destination for establishing GBS centres.Building on the strengths of traditional shared services and outsourcing (SSO) models, Global Business Services (GBS) offers a more comprehensive and strategic approach. By centralizing a wider range of non-core business functions, GBS enables organizations to achieve economies of scale, improve quality, and enhance overall operational efficiency.Asia has emerged as a …
India’s Potential as a Global Leader in Green Hydrogen
India’s Potential as a Global Leader in Green HydrogenGreen hydrogen (GH2) derived from renewable energy sources, is positioned as a transformative force in the global transition towards sustainable energy. India, with its ample renewable resources and commitment to decarbonization, has emerged as a significant player in this arena. Leveraging its vast solar and wind energy potential, estimated at approximately 1,400 GW, India aims to become a leader in green hydrogen production, aligning with the goals outlined in its National Hydrogen Mission launched in 2021. This mission is pivotal in achieving the country’s ambitious target of net-zero carbon emission by 2070 …
India’s New EV Import Policy: A Boon for Global Manufacturers?
India’s New EV Import Policy: A Boon for Global Manufacturers?To boost India’s electric vehicle (EV) industry, the government has unveiled a new import policy, having a two-pronged approach: first, to attract investments in premium EV manufacturing. This could bring globally recognized brands and advanced technologies to India. Second, the policy aims to promote localization, encouraging the domestic production of EVs. This focus on local manufacturing protects existing Indian companies that are currently catering to the price-conscious consumer segment with affordable EVs. By creating this framework, the government hopes to foster a sustainable EV ecosystem in India, with options for both …
FOM: Potential to transform India’s fertilizer landscape with a biogas byproduct
FOM: Potential to transform India’s fertilizer landscape with a biogas byproductNeed for an eco-friendly alternate to subsidized chemical fertilizers Indian agricultural sector has been extensively reliant on subsidized chemical fertilizers, which are available at more than 90% subsidy rates especially Urea, thus resulting in increased consumption, leading to concern about its negative impact on soil fertility and overall soil health. This concern about soil health however opens a huge opportunity for fermented organic manure (FOM), a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative produced as a byproduct of biogas plant.India’s move towards increased utilization of Biogas & Organic fertilizer The Indian government …
Komplexität meistern: EACs Global Sourcing Chroniken
Komplexität meistern: EACs Global Sourcing ChronikenIn den letzten Jahren hat EAC mehrere Unternehmen bei globalen und regionalen strategischen Beschaffungsprojekten in verschiedenen Branchen unterstützt, darunter Industrie, Mobilität, Bauwesen, Energie und Umwelt, Chemie und Konsumgüter. Bei der Durchführung dieser Sourcing-Projekte sind wir auf einzigartige Herausforderungen und unerwartete Chancen gestoßen. In diesem Artikel möchten wir ausgewählte Beobachtungen und Erkenntnisse unserer EAC-Beschaffungsexperten zusammenfassen.Wachsende Bedeutung nachhaltiger Beschaffungspraktiken In der heutigen umweltbewussten Welt ist Nachhaltigkeit nicht mehr nur ein zweitrangiges Anliegen, sondern integraler Bestandteil einer erfolgreichen Geschäftsstrategie. Dies konnten wir feststellen, als wir ein führendes europäisches Unternehmen bei der Suche nach potenziellen Lieferanten für vier verschiedene …
Navigating Complexities: EAC’s Global Sourcing Chronicles
Navigating Complexities: EAC’s Global Sourcing ChroniclesIn recent years, EAC has supported multiple companies in global and regional strategic souring projects across various industries, including industrials, mobility, building & construction, energy and environment, chemicals, and consumer goods. While executing these sourcing projects, we have encountered unique challenges and unexpected opportunities. With this article we would like to summarize select observations and learnings of our EAC sourcing experts.Rising Importance of Sustainable Sourcing Practices In today’s environmentally conscious world, sustainability is no longer a secondary concern; it is an integral part of a successful business strategy. We observed this while assisting a leading …