De-risking China – Corporate Foresight and Risk Mitigation

De-risking China – Corporate Foresight and Risk MitigationIn times of ever-increasing geopolitical tensions China’s communist party held its 20th national congress, from the 16th to the 22nd of October, hinting at an even stronger push for self-sufficiency and preparing its population for challenges ahead in cooperating with the west.Soaring energy prices and a sky-high inflation made the headlines in Europe and beyond this year. The Russian invasion in the Ukraine being one main driver, putting into question an over-dependency on Russian oil and gas. This development as well put into spotlight the increasing mutual dependency of Europe, and especially Germany, …

RCEP Boosts Cross-Border E-Commerce

RCEP Boosts Cross-Border E-Commerce Since the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) came into effect, cooperation between RCEP regions has continued to deepen. On July 27, 2022, at the 2022 Consumption Innovation Forum of China International Consumer Products Expo, the RCEP Cross-Border E-commerce Purchase (B2C) Index report was released.The new RCEP B2C Index (RCEP Cross-Border E-commerce Purchase B2C Index), focuses on overseas small and medium-sized enterprises, presenting the development trend of digital trade in the RCEP regions.  The trend of the new index shows that the that cross-border e-commerce in the RCEP region is booming. The average annual growth rate from 2019 …

Business Transformation Strategy

Business Transformation StrategyAgile und zukunftsorientierte Strategien für den lokalen Markt. Da China eine qualitativ hochwertige Entwicklung anstrebt, haben westliche Unternehmen große Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich Qualität. Es stellt sich die Frage, wie sie in die lokalen Märkte eintreten und diese Möglichkeiten ausschöpfen können. EAC bietet hierzu das ‘Business Transformation Mindset‘.„Hochwertige Entwicklung“ ist eine nationale Wirtschaftsreform, die von der chinesischen Regierung verfolgt wird. Es soll die nationale Wirtschaft von einer Hochgeschwindig-keitswachstumsphase in eine qualitativ hochwertige Entwicklungsphase überführen. Diese Reformwelle dreht sich um die Versorgung mit Gütern und Dienstleistungen, Humanressourcen und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit.Download ArticleLatestMärz 11, 2024India Review 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis of Growth …

Business Transformation Strategy

Business Transformation Strategy As China is advocating high-quality development, Western companies have seen development opportunities that focus on quality, also are anxious about how to enter and develop the local markets. EAC offers the business transformation mindset.“High-quality development“ is a national economic reform being pursued by the Chinese government. It is to shift national economy from a high-speed growth stage to a high-quality development stage. This wave of reforms revolves the supply of goods and services, Human Resources, and environmental sustainabilityDownload ArticleLatestMärz 11, 2024India Review 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis of Growth and OpportunitiesMärz 11, 20242023 Insights into China’s Business LandscapeJanuar …


XIAOHONGSHU BRAND MARKETING Xiaohongshu, or “Little Red Book”/“Red” is a Chinese social-commerce platform founded in 2013. Red started off serving as an online tour guide for Chinese shoppers abroad for consumers to review products and to share their shopping experiences. Currently as a lifestyle sharing platform, Red is considered as one of the prominent channels for brands to reach the wide Chinese consumers.Young and urban users with significant purchasing power The monthly active user (MAU) of Red reached 200 million in November 2021, doubling the MAU of 100 million in January 2020; 50% of the users live in tier 1/2 …

Service Excellence von Industrieunternehmen in China

Service Excellence von Industrieunternehmen in ChinaChinesische Kunden suchen zunehmend nach qualifizierten Pre- und After-Sales-Service Lösungen von westlichen Herstellern, während ausländische Technologieführer oft ihren Vorsprung bei der „Fit-to-Mainstream“-Servicestrategie vor Ort verlieren. Was tun, um nicht nur als Maschinen, sondern auch als Serviceanbieter im Markt zu bestehen?Ein kurzes Whitepaper fasst die wichtigsten Markttrends in China zusammen und soll bei der Beantwortung der wichtigsten Fragen helfen.Download ArticleLatestMärz 11, 2024India Review 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis of Growth and OpportunitiesMärz 11, 20242023 Insights into China’s Business LandscapeJanuar 31, 2024Navigating Complexities: EAC’s Global Sourcing ChroniclesDezember 6, 2023Global Wind Turbine Manufacturing & Supply Chain Challenges

“Design-to-Value” Machine Building Concept

“Design-to-Value” Machine Building ConceptGrowth in local mainstream markets is an important strategic topic for Western visionary machinery companies. Get insights from EAC’s investigation on how foreign players could develop “Fit-to-Mainstream-Segment” machines in China and Asia.Growth in Chinese MAINSTREAM market has long become a prioritized strategic approach for most Western machinery companies. Leading players believe a “Dual Business Model” can leverage existing strength in premium segment and simultaneously capture new opportunities in the local MAINSTREAM market.Download ArticleLatestMärz 11, 2024India Review 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis of Growth and OpportunitiesMärz 11, 20242023 Insights into China’s Business LandscapeJanuar 31, 2024Navigating Complexities: EAC’s Global Sourcing …

Service Excellence of Industrial Companies in China

Service Excellence of Industrial Companies in ChinaLocal customers are increasingly looking for qualified pre- and after-sales services from Western manufacturers, while leaderships often lose their edge on “Fit-to-Mainstream” local service strategy. EAC offers the service excellence strategy concept.Please find the link to our latest white paper on service in China below.Download ArticleLatestMärz 11, 2024India Review 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis of Growth and OpportunitiesMärz 11, 20242023 Insights into China’s Business LandscapeJanuar 31, 2024Navigating Complexities: EAC’s Global Sourcing ChroniclesDezember 6, 2023Global Wind Turbine Manufacturing & Supply Chain Challenges

Technologie Transformation in der E-Mobility Industrie

Technologie Transformation in der E-Mobility IndustrieE-Mobilität bietet Wachstumschancen –  Unternehmen müssen den Veränderungen jedoch positiv gegenüberstehen, aktiv neue Themenfelder erforschen, proaktiv die technologische Transformation planen, um an den Trends teilzuhaben. Die E-Mobilität stellt einen grundlegenden technologischen Wandel für die Automobilindustrie dar und bietet gleichzeitig neue Chancen für gut vorbereitete industrielle Akteure. Unternehmen, die in der „Komfortzone“ traditioneller Technologien bleiben, haben möglicherweise Schwierigkeiten, mit den neuen Innovationen Schritt zu halten und verlieren Marktanteile an Wettbewerber und neue Marktteilnehmer.   EAC hilft Ihnen dabei, den technologischen Wandel zu erleichtern und zu vollziehen. Laden Sie den vollständigen Artikel herunter, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche …

Platform Business Models – Are Investments Justified?

Platform Business Models – Are Investments Justified?Can traditional process-based firms do asset light business? Is there a possibility to get into platform model of business as a replacement or an augmentation to existing source of revenue without increasing the operating cost too much? More than 60% of the Fortune 500 companies employ platform-based business models for their operations (most of them are consumer focused software system based B2C organizations) and the trend has quickly shifted to B2B companies in the recent past who wish to be closer to their final consumers. The issue is of commercialization of the innovation model …

EAC Partner Daniel Berger zu Gast im Climate 21 Podcast

EAC Partner Daniel Berger zu Gast im Climate 21 PodcastDie Klima-Nachrichten über China scheinen durchweg widersprüchlich zu sein. Auf der einen Seite hören wir, dass China für die hohen Emissionen verantwortlich ist, auf der anderen Seite hören wir, dass China bei der Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien eine Vorreiterrolle spielt. Wo liegt die Wahrheit?   Um diese Themen zu diskutieren, wurde Daniel Berger, Partner bei EAC International Consulting in Shanghai, von Tom Raftery von SAP in den Climate 21 Podcast eingeladen.   Hören Sie sich die Folge direkt an, indem Sie entweder den unten integrierten Player verwenden oder die Website des Podcasts …