China’s Unrivaled Position in the EV LandscapeThe electric vehicle (EV) market in China continues to redefine the automotive industry’s future. In 2023, China solidified its position as a global leader by accounting for nearly 60% of worldwide EV sales (measured in car registrations), a significant indicator of its growing dominance, according to data from the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Global EV Outlook 2024, a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organization. This trend is not just a fleeting phase but a clear signal of the shifting dynamics in the global car market, with projections showing that one in three cars in China will …
Future of EVs in India by 2030: Opportunities and Implications for Ancillary Industries
Future of EVs in India by 2030: Opportunities and Implications for Ancillary IndustriesWith over 30 years of consulting experience across Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, and the Americas, our expertise in strategy and globalization has equipped us to analyze the burgeoning electric vehicle (EV) industry. EAC has successfully executed numerous projects in the e-mobility and battery sectors, particularly in Asian growth markets and Europe. This presentation delves into the future of EVs in India by 2030 and explores the implications for ancillary industries.Current Landscape In FY 2024, EVs accounted for 1.7 million units of total vehicle sales in India. The …
Indian Biodiesel Industry Outlook
Indian Biodiesel Industry Outlook: Navigating Growth, Policy Dynamics, and Investment OpportunitiesIndia is the 3rd largest crude oil consuming nation globally accounting for 262 mio tons in FY 2023 with 89% demand met by imports from Russia, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. High speed diesel consumption is estimated at 39.3 mio tons in FY 2023 of which ~87% is used by transport industry and rest 13% by industry, agriculture, and power generation. Diesel consumption is expected to reach ~105 mio tons by FY 2030 mainly driven by increased industrialization, urbanization, infrastructure development, and rising vehicle sales.To reduce dependency on imports and meet …
Electrifying India: Accelerating the Passenger Electric Vehicle Revolution
Electrifying India: Accelerating the Passenger Electric Vehicle RevolutionBy 2030, India will emerge as the 2nd largest manufacturer of passenger electric vehicles in APAC region following China with a surge of +74% in the vehicle production volume.India is currently amongst the prominent hubs for automotive manufacturing across globe, however, the Indian EV industry is still in its early stages of development and is expected to exhibit significant growth over the next decade. By 2030, India will emerge as the 2nd largest manufacturer of passenger electric vehicles in APAC region following China with a surge of +74% in the vehicle production volume. …
China’s New 24 Points Policy
China’s Vow to Attract Foreign InvestmentChina’s New 24 Points Policy: Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attractiveness for Foreign Investment.Chinese government has re-emphasized its propositions to further optimize the foreign investment environment and increase the attractiveness for foreign investment: Establish a more favorable investment climate for foreign investors Re-bolster foreign enterprises’ confidence in investing in China. In our teaser we explain what the 24 individual directives mean and what opportunities they present for you. You would like to discuss the 24 Point Policy? Then contact our expert & partner, John Deng.Download …
Production Linked Incentives (PLI) of India – Reviewing the Impact
Production Linked Incentives (PLI) of India – Reviewing the ImpactThe Indian government’s Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme is a performance-based incentive scheme. It rewards companies for increasing domestic sales of their manufactured goods. The overall aim of the scheme is to strengthen the manu-facturing sector and reduce dependence on imports. Its objectives include promoting the „Make in India“ initiative, attracting foreign manufacturers to set up production in India, and motivating domestic manufacturers to expand production and exports.Launched in March 2020, the PLI scheme initially targeted sectors heavily dependent on imports, such as mobile manufacturing, electrical components, critical pharmaceutical materials and …
Quo vadis: Deutsche Industrie der Werkzeugmaschinen in China
Quo vadis: Deutsche Industrie der Werkzeugmaschinen in ChinaUnser Experte und Partner, Daniel Berger, war auf dem VDW China Machine Tool Management Meeting und durfte dort einen Vortrag über die Entwicklung der deutschen Werkzeugmaschinenindustrie in China halten.Angetrieben von anhaltenden industriellen Investitionen war 2022 ein solides Jahr für die deutsche Werkzeugmaschinenindustrie in China. Auch wenn die aktuellen Aussichten ernüchternd sind, ist die Hoffnung auf eine Belebung der Nachfrage in den kommenden Monaten groß und das Engagement der Unternehmen in China bleibt unbestritten. Daniel Berge stellte in seinem Vortrag die jüngsten Entwicklungen und Aussichten der chinesischen Wirtschaft und den Entwicklungsplan der Regierung für …
Quo vadis: German Machine Tools in China
Quo vadis: German Machine Tools in ChinaOur expert and partner, Daniel Berger, was at the VDW China Machine Tool Management Meeting and was allowed to give a presentation about the development of the German machine tool industry in China.Driven by continued industrial investment, 2022 was a solid year for the German machine tool industry in China. Although the current outlook is challenging, hopes are high that demand will pick up in the coming months and the commitment of companies in China remains undoubted. In his presentation, Daniel Berge introduced the latest developments and prospects of the Chinese economy and the …
India Review 2022 – Our recap of key market developments
India Review 2022 – Our annual recap of key market developmentWhile major global economies are staring at a possible recession, India’s economy has exhibited resilience and has grown to emerge as the 5th largest economy. Post a sharp decline in 2020 and a technical rebound in 2021, the Indian economy is expected to grow at 6.8% in 2022 – which would be faster than most emerging economies.2022 India has attracted the attention of all major global investors and industries with the following facts: strong economic fundamentals, well balanced trade relations, cost-effective workforce and most importantly an established manufacturing and service …
India Review 2022 – Unsere Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Marktentwicklungen
India Review 2022 – Unsere Zusammenfassung der MarktentwicklungWährend die großen Volkswirtschaften der Welt von einer möglichen Rezession bedroht sind, hat sich Indiens Wirtschaft als wider-standsfähig erwiesen und ist zur fünftgrößten Volkswirtschaft aufgestiegen. Nach einem Rückgang im Jahr 2020 und der anschließenden Erholung im Jahr 2021 wird die indische Wirtschaft 2022 voraussichtlich um 6,8 % wachsen – und damit schneller als die meisten Schwellenländer.2022 hat Indien mit folgenden Fakten die Aufmerksamkeit aller wichtigen globalen Investoren und Branchen auf sich gezogen: starke wirtschaftliche Fundamentaldaten, ausgewogene Handelsbeziehungen, kostengünstige Arbeitskräfte und vor allem mit seinem etablierten Produktions- und Dienstleistungsökosystem. In unserem diesjährigen India Review …
China Review 2022 – Unsere Markt- und Wirtschaftseinblicke für Sie.
China Review 2022Wie jedes Jahr haben wir auch diesmal einen „China Review 2022“ für Sie zusammengestellt. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen und Erfahrungen aus unseren Projekten freuen wir uns, Ihnen unsere Einblicke in den Markt und die Wirtschaft sowie einen ersten Ausblick ins Jahr 2023 zu geben.In unserer mehr als 30-jährigen Beratungserfahrung in China haben wir noch nie eine solche Reihe von politischen und wirtschaftlichen Schockwellen erlebt – sowohl international als auch innerhalb Chinas. Der russische Krieg in der Ukraine, gefolgt von steigenden Energiepreisen, enormer Inflation und zunehmender ideologischer Blockbildung waren nicht nur ungünstige Zutaten, die dem globalen „Krisencocktail“ hinzugefügt wurden, …
China Review 2022 – Our market and industry perspectives for you
China Review 2022As every year, we have complied another review „China in 2022“. Based on our insights from consulting projects, we are more than happy to share our market and industry perspectives and first look into 2023.In our entire China consulting practice, spanning more than 30 years, we have never encountered such a series of political and economic shockwaves – both internationally and within China. The Russian war in Ukraine followed by soaring energy prices, sky-high inflation and the increasing ideological bloc formation as well as escalating geo-political tensions between the US and China leading to a new height of …