US Semiconductor Ban on China & Implications for International Companies in China

US Semiconductor Ban on China & Implications for International Companies in ChinaAlongside the Chips and Science Act and a sweeping set of export controls, the US further undermines China’s ability to import, manufacture, and export the semiconductors that run the world. Finely calibrated and applied on most leading-edge chips, consequences are dramatic. International companies operating and banking on China are urged to re-balance and match their China strategy to prepare for de-risking but to stay in the game.US’s further moves to contain China’s semiconductor industry In early October 2022, the US issued nine new rules, detailing export controls on advanced …

Service Excellence von Industrieunternehmen in China

Service Excellence von Industrieunternehmen in ChinaChinesische Kunden suchen zunehmend nach qualifizierten Pre- und After-Sales-Service Lösungen von westlichen Herstellern, während ausländische Technologieführer oft ihren Vorsprung bei der „Fit-to-Mainstream“-Servicestrategie vor Ort verlieren. Was tun, um nicht nur als Maschinen, sondern auch als Serviceanbieter im Markt zu bestehen?Ein kurzes Whitepaper fasst die wichtigsten Markttrends in China zusammen und soll bei der Beantwortung der wichtigsten Fragen helfen.Download ArticleLatestFebruar 10, 2025Seizing India’s Industrial Automation Boom: A Strategic Opportunity for Global PlayersJanuar 30, 2025Southeast Asia: Rising Pillar in Global Semiconductor EcosystemJanuar 23, 2025The Low-Altitude Economy (LAE): China’s Emerging Technological FrontierJanuar 3, 2025India: A Rising Star in the Global …

“Design-to-Value” Machine Building Concept

“Design-to-Value” Machine Building ConceptGrowth in local mainstream markets is an important strategic topic for Western visionary machinery companies. Get insights from EAC’s investigation on how foreign players could develop “Fit-to-Mainstream-Segment” machines in China and Asia.Growth in Chinese MAINSTREAM market has long become a prioritized strategic approach for most Western machinery companies. Leading players believe a “Dual Business Model” can leverage existing strength in premium segment and simultaneously capture new opportunities in the local MAINSTREAM market.Download ArticleLatestFebruar 10, 2025Seizing India’s Industrial Automation Boom: A Strategic Opportunity for Global PlayersJanuar 30, 2025Southeast Asia: Rising Pillar in Global Semiconductor EcosystemJanuar 23, 2025The Low-Altitude …

Service Excellence of Industrial Companies in China

Service Excellence of Industrial Companies in ChinaLocal customers are increasingly looking for qualified pre- and after-sales services from Western manufacturers, while leaderships often lose their edge on “Fit-to-Mainstream” local service strategy. EAC offers the service excellence strategy concept.Please find the link to our latest white paper on service in China below.Download ArticleLatestFebruar 10, 2025Seizing India’s Industrial Automation Boom: A Strategic Opportunity for Global PlayersJanuar 30, 2025Southeast Asia: Rising Pillar in Global Semiconductor EcosystemJanuar 23, 2025The Low-Altitude Economy (LAE): China’s Emerging Technological FrontierJanuar 3, 2025India: A Rising Star in the Global Chemical Industry

Quo Vadis Biodegradable Plastics Industry In China?

Quo Vadis Biodegradable Plastics Industry in China?Environmental Background This year in May, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released a brief report on environmental status-quo of China’s marine ecosystems. It concluded that the environmental performances are generally good, with medium- to low-level floating garbage of ~3.6 kg/km2 on average, while the water quality of estuaries and bays is less than satisfactory, with 21 thousand km2 of sea area of inferior water quality. Plastic is the main pollutant, accounting for 93%, 83% and 76% of floating, beach and submarine debris.China’s Anti-plastic Regulations To deal with ‘white pollution’, China issued a nation-wide …

Indian Solid Waste Management Industry needs Technology Push

Indian Solid Waste Management Industry needs Technology PushSolid waste generation and key concerns in India Increase in urbanization and per capita income has significantly led to a rise in municipal solid waste generation in India. Overall solid waste generation in the country can be estimated at 152 million tons per annum, wherein EAC estimates construction & solid waste at 175 million tons accounting for 61% of the total waste generated. Municipal solid waste contributes 31% to the total waste with 90 million tons, and the rest contributed by four other segments including Plastic waste (9.5 mio TPA), Hazardous waste (8.0 …

Smart Transformation: Manufacturing Execution System

Smart Transformation: Manufacturing Execution SystemMES and Database Application A new era of Industry 4.0 has been making quiet but substantial strides in China. Local businesses in the traditional manufacturing and industrial sectors are becoming increasingly agile at adopting IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) and their respective innovative applications to enhance performance, optimize productivity, and counter global labor shortage. Through automated and smart production solutions, manufacturers can provide a safer, more efficient, and user-friendly work environment. To extensively employ smart production processes, companies are seen to introduce domestically developed database management software and digital solutions that …

EAC und ConClimate – Expertendialog Nachhaltigkeit

EAC und ConClimate – Exklusiver ExpertendialogNachhaltigkeit ist nicht länger eine Option – sie ist ein Gebot der Stunde. Selten war das Thema so aktuell wie heute. Die Kooperation zwischen dem Asienspezialisten EAC International Consulting und dem langjährigen Nachhaltigkeitsexperten ConClimate bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Ansätze im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit neu zu gestalten und zu optimieren.EAC als Strategieberatung für Wachstumsmärkte in Asien unterstützt globale Unternehmen bei der Definition und Umsetzung ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie in China und Indien. Zusammen mit ConClimate und deren Software-as-a-Service-Lösung Substain® können wir nahezu alle Szenarien eines modernen Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements abdecken und flexibel auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden eingehen.  Unser …

EAC and ConClimate – Expert Exchange Sustainability

EAC and ConClimate – Exclusive Expert DialogueSustainability is no longer an option – it’s an imperative of the hour. Rarely has the topic been as priority as it is today. The cooperation of Asia specialist EAC International Consulting and long-term Sustainability expert ConClimate offers you the opportunity to reshape and optimize your approaches in the field of sustainability.EAC as a strategy consultancy for growth markets in Asia, supports global companies in defining and implementing their sustainability strategy in China and India. Together with ConClimate and their software-as-a-service solution Substain® we can cover virtually all scenarios of modern sustainability management and …

Die Zukunft des China-Geschäfts: wohin geht die Reise?

Die Zukunft des China-Geschäfts: wohin geht die Reise? Diese Frage beschäftigt über 5000 deutsche Unternehmen, die aktuell in China agieren. Die IHK Köln liefert am 9. Mai 2022 im Rahmen einer Expertenrunde Antworten. Für viele Unternehmen ist China nach wie vor einer der wichtigsten Beschaffungs- und Absatzmärkte. Die Rahmenbedingungen haben sich allerdings drastisch verändert. Compliance-Themen und geopolitische Spannungen verändern das Geschäft. Die EAC Partner Daniela Bartscher-Herold und Daniel Berger werden zusammen mit Bernd Reitmeier, Startup Factory und Dr. Thilo Ketterer, Rödl & Partner, Perspektiven für deutsche Unternehmen in China aufzeigen. Die Zukunft des China-Geschäfts: Wo geht die Reise hin? 9. …

Sourcing In Southeast Asia: Diversifying Your Supply Chain To Gain More Resilience

Sourcing in Southeast Asia: Diversifying your Supply Chain to Gain More ResilienceUnexpected Circumstances Result in Supply Chain Disruptions With the daily number of confirmed Covid-19 cases continuing to reach record highs, China’s financial mega-city, Shanghai, is being imposed to observe total lock-down since the end of March, resulting in shortage of transport and port workers. By beginning of April, the number of ships waiting for loading and discharge at Shanghai port reached 300+, tripling usual volume. As the largest export hub of China, consequence of congestion at Shanghai port is expected to impact in the next few months. Looking back …

India: Government program worth EUR 20 billion as production incentive for foreign companies

India: Government program worth EUR 20 billion as production incentive for foreign companiesThe Indian economy has suffered significant losses compared to the previous year due to Covid19: the manufacturing industry by 40%, the automotive sector by over 75%! To counteract this trend, the government has set up a program with production incentives worth EUR 20 billionPrimarily for manufacturers in the automotive, solar, special steel and pharmaceutical sectors, in addition to the “Production Linked Incentive Program” of EUR 6.5 billion in the electronics manufacturing sector, already created in April 2020. Large multinational companies such as Samsung Electronics, Foxconn and Wistron Corp. …