Aftermath of the EV hype – permanent dip, small dent, or no crisis at all?

Aftermath of the EV hype – permanent dip, small dent, or no crisis at all?The hype surrounding electric vehicles (EVs) in recent years has been undeniable, driven by a combination of environmental consciousness, government incentives, and technological advancements. However, as the dust settles, questions arise about the sustainability of this growth momentum and the long-term viability of the EV market.The surge in demand for EVs, accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, painted a rosy picture of exponential growth and high expectations. Ambitious targets, such as Germany’s aim to have 15 million EVs on the road by 2030, fueled optimism for a …

The Resurrection of Southern Europe

The Resurrection of Southern EuropeIn recent years, Southern Europe has emerged as a beacon of economic resurgence, with countries like Portugal, Greece, and Spain leading the charge. This revitalization stands in contrast to the economic landscape of Northern Europe, with robust growth rates exceeding 5% in 2022, a testament to the region’s resilience and potential. While challenges remain, particularly concerning the sustainability of the growth as well as structural impediments, the trajectory of Southern Europe’s economy offers a promising narrative of growth and transformation.One of the key drivers behind Southern Europe’s economic revival is the composition of its economy, which …

The Future: India’s Construction Equipment Industry thrives on Sustainability and Innovation Trends

Building the Future: India’s Construction Equipment Industry thrives on Sustainability and Innovation TrendsThe construction equipment industry in India is about to undergo a significant transformation. An expanding economy, rising urbanization, and large-scale infrastructure projects have all contributed to an increase in the need for construction equipment. The industry recorded the sales of 107 thsd units in FY’23 and is expected to grow at 7% CAGR during FY23-30. It is world’s 3rd largest market and is currently valued at 6.1 bln EUR with earthmoving equipment segment being the majority contributor at 72% share.Key Growth Drivers: Infrastructure Development Projects: Large-scale government initiatives …

Globale Herausforderungen bei der Herstellung von Windturbinen und der Lieferkette

Globale Herausforderungen bei der Herstellung von Windturbinen und der LieferketteWie kann man die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit steigern und Risiken ausgleichen? Die Windenergie ist eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Energiequellen der Welt, angetrieben durch unterstützende Gesetze in den USA, der Europäischen Union, Indien und China, doch die freien Kapazitäten sind begrenzt und werden wahrscheinlich bis 2026 verschwinden.Die Windenergie ist eine der besten Quellen, um die Schmerzen und Herausforderungen des Klimawandels zu lindern. Angesichts des steigenden weltweiten Strombedarfs, der Prognosen zufolge bis 2030 um 25 % auf ~30k TWh1) steigen wird, sind die Entwicklung und Nutzung von Windenergie und anderen erneuerbaren Energiequellen unverzichtbar und …

Global Wind Turbine Manufacturing & Supply Chain Challenges

Global Wind Turbine Manufacturing & Supply Chain ChallengesHow to boost competitiveness and balance risks? Wind energy it one of the fastest-growing energy sources in the world driven by supportive legislations in the US, the European Union, India and China yet spare capacity is limited and will likely disappear by 2026.Wind energy is one of the best source to alleviate the pain and challenges of climate change. With the increasing demand of global electricity, which is forecasted to grow by 25% and reach ~30k TWh1) by 2030, development and utilization of wind plus other renewable energy sources are indispensable and have …

EAC Partner Daniel Berger on the Climate 21 Podcast

EAC Partner Daniel Berger on the Climate 21 PodcastThe climate news about China seems to be consistently contradictory. On the one hand, we hear how China is responsible for high levels of emissions, while on the other we hear how China is leaping ahead in its deployments of renewables. Where does the truth lie? In order to discuss the topics, Daniel Berger, Partner at EAC International Consulting based in Shanghai, was invited on the Climate 21 Podcast by SAP’s Tom Raftery. Listen to the episode directly either by using the integrated player below or by visiting the Podcast’s website. You can …