XIAOHONGSHU BRAND MARKETING Xiaohongshu, or “Little Red Book”/“Red” is a Chinese social-commerce platform founded in 2013. Red started off serving as an online tour guide for Chinese shoppers abroad for consumers to review products and to share their shopping experiences. Currently as a lifestyle sharing platform, Red is considered as one of the prominent channels for brands to reach the wide Chinese consumers.Young and urban users with significant purchasing power The monthly active user (MAU) of Red reached 200 million in November 2021, doubling the MAU of 100 million in January 2020; 50% of the users live in tier 1/2 …

Food Condiments in China: Three Opportunities

Food Condiments in China: Three OpportunitiesDuring China’s COVID-19 lockdowns (when restaurants did not operate and home cooking became the only choice), the demand for condiments experienced a surge in attention. But generally, as daily necessities, the consumption of condiment by both businesses and consumers is unlikely to be affected by economic fluctuations and will remain strong. It is estimated that China’s condiment market will reach 513 billion yuan in 2022 and 788 billion yuan in 2025 (CAGR of 9%). Given the vast size of the country, the market for condiments is huge, but also more fragmented compared with developed countries. …

Report: China Konsum-Trends 2022

Report: China Konsum-Trends 2022Wirtschaftliche Veränderungen und Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus haben erhebliche Auswirkungen auf das chinesische Verbraucherverhalten. Trotz zunehmender Unsicherheiten besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass China der Motor des weltweiten Konsumwachstums bleiben wird.EAC hat einen Bericht über die neuesten Trends im chinesischen Verbraucherverhalten 2022 veröffentlicht. Die Präsentation zeigt aufkommende Muster bei chinesischen Verbrauchern, die das Potenzial haben, die Art und Weise, wie Marken ihre Kunden ansprechen müssen, zu verändern.   In dem Bericht finden Sie unsere Zusammenfassung von: Auswirkungen von COVID auf den Einzelhandel mit Konsumgütern Grundlegendes Potenzial von Konsumgütern in China Ausgewählte Trends im chinesischen Verbraucherverhalten …

Report: China Consumer Trends 2022

Report: China Consumer Trends 2022Economic changes and measures taken to stop the spread of coronavirus have a significant impact on Chinese consumer behavior. Despite increasing uncertainties, there is no doubt that China will remain the global consumption growth driver.EAC has published a report on the latest Chinese consumer behavior trends 2022. The presentation indicates emerging patterns among Chinese consumers which have the potential to reshape how brands have to address their customers. In the report, you can find our summary of: COVID impact on consumer goods retail sales Underlying potential of consumer goods in China Selected Chinese consumer behavior trends …

China Toy Market: Targeting „Kidults“

China Toy Market – Targeting „Kidults“A New Concept for Toys When talking about toys in the Chinese market, they no longer are exclusive targeted at infants or children, and go beyond the traditional categories such as puzzles, plush and dolls. A new concept of toy is on the rise, called trendy toy (or artistic toy). Trendy toys have become increasingly popular, especially among young Chinese consumers aged 15 to 25, the so-called generation Z or “Kidults”. According to research by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the trendy toy industry in China had reached a sales volume of 30 billion …

EAC und ConClimate – Expertendialog Nachhaltigkeit

EAC und ConClimate – Exklusiver ExpertendialogNachhaltigkeit ist nicht länger eine Option – sie ist ein Gebot der Stunde. Selten war das Thema so aktuell wie heute. Die Kooperation zwischen dem Asienspezialisten EAC International Consulting und dem langjährigen Nachhaltigkeitsexperten ConClimate bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Ansätze im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit neu zu gestalten und zu optimieren.EAC als Strategieberatung für Wachstumsmärkte in Asien unterstützt globale Unternehmen bei der Definition und Umsetzung ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie in China und Indien. Zusammen mit ConClimate und deren Software-as-a-Service-Lösung Substain® können wir nahezu alle Szenarien eines modernen Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements abdecken und flexibel auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden eingehen.  Unser …

EAC and ConClimate – Expert Exchange Sustainability

EAC and ConClimate – Exclusive Expert DialogueSustainability is no longer an option – it’s an imperative of the hour. Rarely has the topic been as priority as it is today. The cooperation of Asia specialist EAC International Consulting and long-term Sustainability expert ConClimate offers you the opportunity to reshape and optimize your approaches in the field of sustainability.EAC as a strategy consultancy for growth markets in Asia, supports global companies in defining and implementing their sustainability strategy in China and India. Together with ConClimate and their software-as-a-service solution Substain® we can cover virtually all scenarios of modern sustainability management and …

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) – The Next Trend for Consumer Goods

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) – The Next Trend For Consumer GoodsDTC: A new Sales Model for Consumer Goods Brands DTC, direct-to-consumer, refers to a business model in which brands directly sell to consumers without intermediary channels. With the help of the internet, brands establish direct connections with consumers and can directly interact with them along the entire lifecycle from marketing to service. DTC brands are not simple e-commerce companies, even though e-commerce is a popular channel they choose to be closer to consumers. Brands are able to obtain real-time and efficient consumer feedback through internet platforms, so as to acquire consumer insights …

Die Zukunft des China-Geschäfts: wohin geht die Reise?

Die Zukunft des China-Geschäfts: wohin geht die Reise? Diese Frage beschäftigt über 5000 deutsche Unternehmen, die aktuell in China agieren. Die IHK Köln liefert am 9. Mai 2022 im Rahmen einer Expertenrunde Antworten. Für viele Unternehmen ist China nach wie vor einer der wichtigsten Beschaffungs- und Absatzmärkte. Die Rahmenbedingungen haben sich allerdings drastisch verändert. Compliance-Themen und geopolitische Spannungen verändern das Geschäft. Die EAC Partner Daniela Bartscher-Herold und Daniel Berger werden zusammen mit Bernd Reitmeier, Startup Factory und Dr. Thilo Ketterer, Rödl & Partner, Perspektiven für deutsche Unternehmen in China aufzeigen. Die Zukunft des China-Geschäfts: Wo geht die Reise hin? 9. …

Sourcing In Southeast Asia: Diversifying Your Supply Chain To Gain More Resilience

Sourcing in Southeast Asia: Diversifying your Supply Chain to Gain More ResilienceUnexpected Circumstances Result in Supply Chain Disruptions With the daily number of confirmed Covid-19 cases continuing to reach record highs, China’s financial mega-city, Shanghai, is being imposed to observe total lock-down since the end of March, resulting in shortage of transport and port workers. By beginning of April, the number of ships waiting for loading and discharge at Shanghai port reached 300+, tripling usual volume. As the largest export hub of China, consequence of congestion at Shanghai port is expected to impact in the next few months. Looking back …

China’s Aged Population: Favorable Policies and Economic Opportunities

China’s Aged Population: Favorable Policies and Economic OpportunitiesAccelerating Demographic Shift and Start of an “Aged Society” In January 2022, Chinese elderlies aged 65 and above reached 200 million – accounting for 14.2% of the total population. According to UN standards, a country with more than 7% of the population over the age of 65 is an „ageing society“, more than 14% an „aged society“ and more than 20% an „ultra-aging society“. Thus, this marks China’s official demographic entry into an „aged society“. Meanwhile, China’s elderly service resources are not balanced geographically: especially in rural areas and in the case of …