Exhibition & Convention
In the past years, the global exhibition industry has continued to show positive development and expanded into several new markets and industries. Its increasing importance is also representing a more and more globalized world which keeps on growing closer. Nowadays, the interconnection of various market players and their individual interest poses a variety of challenges for the exhibition industry.
In fact, exhibition venues but also organizers must be able to detect latest trends within the industry and to adapt their positioning according to quickly changing market frameworks.
In particular, the exhibition industry in “emerging markets” such as China and India has shown great dynamics in recent years. Its over-proportional growth compared to GDP development was accompanied with ever increasing competition which can be proven by the growing number of professional exhibition venues but also the increasing amount of shows. Meanwhile, the growing trend of M&A of organizers leads to stronger market consolidation. All these factors require a thorough analysis of on-going market occurrences and the elaboration of adequate counter-measurements in order to guarantee long-term success. Despite the severe impact of COVID-19 on the global economy in 2020, we are optimistic that the international MICE industry and particularly the local markets in China & India will come back even stronger and with new valuable impulses. For instance, the shift towards a stronger immersion of digital show features is one of the key aspects which tremendously gained momentum among key stakeholders.
In fact, exhibition venues but also organizers must be able to detect latest trends within the industry and to adapt their positioning according to quickly changing market frameworks.
In particular, the exhibition industry in “emerging markets” such as China and India has shown great dynamics in recent years. Its over-proportional growth compared to GDP development was accompanied with ever increasing competition which can be proven by the growing number of professional exhibition venues but also the increasing amount of shows. Meanwhile, the growing trend of M&A of organizers leads to stronger market consolidation. All these factors require a thorough analysis of on-going market occurrences and the elaboration of adequate counter-measurements in order to guarantee long-term success. Despite the severe impact of COVID-19 on the global economy in 2020, we are optimistic that the international MICE industry and particularly the local markets in China & India will come back even stronger and with new valuable impulses. For instance, the shift towards a stronger immersion of digital show features is one of the key aspects which tremendously gained momentum among key stakeholders.
EAC is the leading consulting company in the global exhibition industry and has supported its clients for more than 30 years in various projects around the world. We distinguish ourselves through our long-time experience in global growth markets and through our extensive local network to industry stakeholders. Our growing portfolio of key clients consist of reputable international organizers as well as successful exhibition venues from all over the world - in Asia, Europe & America.