"With its educational projects, EAC supports #goal4 of the United Nations Global Goals: Ensuring inclusive and equitable education and promoting opportunities for lifelong learning for all"
Corporate Social Responsibility
As a company with a clearly defined system of values, our goal is to contribute to global added value (employment, environment, prosperity) through our work performance. We expect our employees to be aware of this task and their social responsibility.
For us, CSR means responsible, entrepreneurial action within the scope of our business activities - with all ecologically relevant aspects and with the involvement of our employees and all relevant contacts.
For us, CSR means responsible, entrepreneurial action within the scope of our business activities - with all ecologically relevant aspects and with the involvement of our employees and all relevant contacts.
The EAC lives CSR in different ways:
- Through the EAC Code of Conduct, which is binding for every employee. When selecting our employees, we also pay attention to the social responsibility that the applicant is willing to take on.
- By respecting the cultural diversity that is given by our business model. Increasing globalisation is increasingly causing production sites to be relocated to emerging and developing countries. In these countries, social legislation and social standards are generally lower than in industrialized nations. We attach great importance to a uniform global social standard in the recommendations resulting from our advice.
- Through the individual commitment of our team, we actively and financially support various initiatives in Myanmar and Indien.
- Regular participation in fundraising appeals in the event of natural disasters and other human tragedies.