India and ASEAN – Investment Destinations

India & ASEAN - Investment Destination

Today I had the honor to share my views on India and ASEAN as important investment destinations for foreign and especially Swiss investments. Swiss Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into ASEAN accounted for > 6bn USD last year making it one of the most important destinations for the Swiss Confederation. Additionally, more than 350 Swiss companies are invested in India of which 50% have substantial manufacturing facilities. With a Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) on the horizon, the momentum for Swiss-Indian investments is thriving. 

Thanks to the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG) – for organizing this event. With 2,500+ members from all sectors of enterprise, CCIG has become one of the most important business associations in Switzerland.

For more insights & dwelling into this exciting topic you may reach out to our expertise Uwe Haizmann.
